Pro Outlining Tip: If you’re more of a “pantser,” use what I call a “liquid outline.” Let it be flexible as your project progresses. So find a system that works best and utilize it!

You don’t have to follow certain outline rules or guidelines–your outline is a tool for you and the way you work. “Draft zero,” a pansted first draft, is one you can finish in roughly the same amount of time it takes you to plan and outline your book.Basic bullet points of the ideas you want to cover, or “first draft” outlines where you plan your book by writing a version of it.Extremely detailed outlines with a sentence for every action in each scene.There are so many different kinds of outlines: The good news is, there’s a type of outline for everyone! If there isn’t one already penned in existence, you can make. Some people love every single detail planned before they begin writing, while others think outlines make their stories too formulaic. It’s not interior design.” – Ernest Hemingway Even though Stephen King says, “Outlines are the last resource of bad fiction writers,” we know what he really means is, “My first draft is actually a type of outline, and that’s the method I’ve found that works for me, personally.”